You know our grassroots approach, where we try to get the different stakeholders on board with a maker mindset. Our association is designed to do just that, and we have some programmes to help you get started, such as our Dorfschule. The Dorfschule is not only a great benefit for our Dorfschule students, but also for our Dorfschule teachers to share knowledge and expertise and to make real contacts, which are still the best prerequisites for building business relationships. The startup and founder scene (Gründerszene) is a people business.
We collect our knowledge in the association, in our startup club and pass it on through the StartupDorf Dorfschule.
With this form we are now collecting the content/formats that we can offer in the Dorfschule. Our plan to do 2 – 3 blocks of Dorfschule in 2023 is of course a nice challenge in an association that is basically 100% volunteer, besides all the other things we do. But we are sure that we will be able to do it in cooperation with you, with your company, also because you will support us in marketing in your networks.
Please complete this form today to allow time for good marketing and lots of registrations for your format by the start of the second block (late October).