3rd June – 19:30
Gründer Stammtisch Session No. 21 will give us again inspiring talks, presentations and of course valuable networking and intensive exchange opportunities. For more detailed event description please visit us on Meetup.com. Overbooked but waitlist available.
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7.30PM Doors open
8.00PM – 9.00PM Presentation
9.05PM – 9.20PM 5min Pitches /bewerben
9.30PM – 11.00PM Networking
11.15PM Doors close
[tboot_button color=”primary” size=”lg” url=”http://www.meetup.com/de/StartupDorf/events/222696112/” title=”StartupDorf Meetups” target=”blank”]Register & RVSP [/tboot_button][/tboot_jumbotron]
Pictures from the last StartupDorf Gründerstammtisch