11. StartupDorf Gründerstammtisch, Seifenhorst, 6. August 2014, 20h

5. August 2014Hanns Tappen

StartupDorf Gründerstammtisch, der Elfte. Wieder im Seifen Horst. Einfach vorbei kommen, kennen lernen was andere machen und hören was StartupDorf e.V. für die Startup Community in Düsseldorf unternimmt. Wir stehen im Seifen Horst gerne im Eingangsbereich. Date: Aug 6th – Start: 20h @ Seifen Horst in Bilk (Bilker Kirche). Neusser Straße 125, Düsseldorf.

Corporate Expats and international entrepreneurs are very welcome.
Conversation in English and German.


  • open-house from 2000, watch for ‘startup people’ near to the entrance area
  • an agenda-free get ‘startup people’ togehter
  • no moderation – but an introduction for newcomers by Association Board Members
  • casual, easy conversation about startup life, entrepreneurship, new ventures, …
  • a simple startup drinkabout
  • no online registration or StartupDorf e.V. membership is needed – tweets or fb comments highly appreciate
  • our typical guest: founder, startup people, devs and freelancer from DUS and region Düsseldorf
StartupDorf Stammtisch August
StartupDorf Stammtisch August


Hanns Tappen

Hanns Tappen is the initiator and founding chairman of StartupDorf e.V. With betawerke.de, he advises at the intersection of startups with corporates and builds products for the startup ecosystem. In addition, he has been a mentor, coach, angeladvisor for founders* and startups for more than 10 years. As a startup evangelist Hanns is active in various boards, initiatives and startup programs as well as jury's.

Since 2013


StartupDorf e.V.
Speditionstraße 15a
40221 Düsseldorf

+49 (211) 176 072 93
(answering machine)

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Made with love in Düsseldorf.

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Copyright StartupDorf. All rights reserved. Made with love in Düsseldorf.
